I recently enjoyed an unexpected visit to my gallery by Mick Fleetwood of the long-standing rock group Fleetwood Mac. He spent a couple of hours looking through most everything I had available, and we worked together to choose a selection of my work for his home. The pieces he decided on turned out to be quite an eclectic mixture of sizes and subject matter from landscapes and cityscapes to portraits. One of the paintings was Trees in Fog (16×20 inches, oil on linen panel, pictured above).
No matter who you are, your life will be enriched by living with original art. As I told Mick, you don’t have to worry about maintaining a theme for the art you purchase. Or wonder if the pieces in your collection are too similar. Or if they’re too different. Just buy what you love.
His visit reminded me how much I enjoy interacting with people who visit my gallery. I’m always gratified to see others connect with my work whether they purchase something or not. I’ll be happy to spend some time with you too during your next visit. Stop by and find something you love.
10 Responses
Joy Taylor and Nancy Glass
t we purchased from you from our trip to Spain.
Best regards,
Joy and Nancy
Joy Taylor and Nancy Glass
Well, apparently the top part of our message fell out–but what we wanted you to know is that we are thrilled that you are getting such wonderful recognition. We treasure the small painting that we bought from you after our trip to Spain–that seems so long ago. Even then, we knew that you were going to be famous someday–and we believe that and it appears that it is coming true.
Good for you.
Very best regards,
Joy and Nancy
I spent months waiting for just the right Dan Schultz piece. When I saw it I knew it was the one. I wanted it for a specific location and I am enjoying the landscape so much. Now I am just waiting for the classes to start up again.
Dan Schultz
Thanks so much, Joy and Nancy. Our Spain trip certainly does seem like long ago. I’m glad you’re still enjoying your painting of mine and I hope you’re both doing well!
Dan Schultz
Thank you, Dyana! Hopefully I’ll get the classes going again before too long….
Joanne Kegel
Thanks for sharing that news about your recent visit from Fleetwood Mac. That is so exciting. I’m sure he enjoyed you helping him and talking about your work. I hope he has visitors that see and want to own your art! I’m happy for recognition of your gift spreading.
Dan Schultz
Thanks, Joanne!
David B H Seacat
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and news, Dan. I always enjoy hearing about and of your work. How exciting to host Mick Fleetwood in your gallery. I too enjoy the loveliness of your works which are a part of my gallery.
Warm regards my friend.
Dan Schultz
Thanks for the comment, David — I’m glad to have paintings in your collection.
marilyn fay
Hi Dan,
Victorcelebratesthearts.org has just completed its 15 show and sale! We had many new artists this year and 1500 visitors to the show.En Plein Air is really big in Colorado these days but we continue to do well. VCTA has a nice classroom and offers it to artists who want to teach classes in Victor. No charge for the room! Let me know if you might be interested.
Marilyn Fay, Victor, CO